Review of Consistency Models - Part II

Reading time ~4 minutes

In the Review of Consistency Models - Part I we looked at:

  • Quiescent Consistency.

  • Strict Consistency.

  • Sequential Consistency.

This post covers Linearizability, Serializability, Strict Serializability and Causal Consistency.


Any execution is perceived in the same way by all the processes, as if all the read and write operations were executed in real-time order and respecting the program order of each one of them.

In a Linearizable data store:

  1. The write operations appear to occur instantaneously.
  2. Once the most recent value has been read, any subsequent read returns the same or an even more recent value.

The following history is Linearizable: example 2

As expected, once P2: W(x)2 takes place, any process sees the most recent value in any subsequent read operation.

On the other hand, The following history is not Linearizable: example 2

Because, in real-time ordering the operation P2:W(x)2 takes places after P1:W(x)1, and any subsequent read operation must return the value of 2.

Linearizability is composable, which means that the combination of individually Linearizable data items, is also Linearizable.

In order to develop some intuition about this property, let’s consider these two independently Linearizable histories for two different data items. example 2

example 2

If we combine them, then the composed history is also Linearizable, and there is no way of making it non Linearizable and at the same time maintain the individual ones Linearizables. example 2

Remember: Linearizability allows single operations on single objects ordered in real-time.


Any execution is perceived in the same way by all the processes, as if groups of read and write operations were executed in some sequential order (arbitrary interleaving), respecting the program order of each one of them.

As you can see, Serializability is similar to Sequential Consistency, but at the level of group of operations (think transactions). In this case, the group of operations take place atomically in arbitrary interleaving.

Assuming that operations within parenthesis occur as a group, the following history is Serializable: example 2

As it can be rearranged in the following sequence: example 2

Which is consistent with the fact that P3:W(y)1 and P3:R(x)1 happened before P2:R(y)1 and P2:W(x)2. Notice how the group of operations were ordered arbitrarily and not respecting the real-time order of their invocations.

On the other hand, the following history would not be Serializable: example 2

As P2:R(y)1 implies that the P3 group of operations happened before P2’s group, but P3:R(x)2 implies the opposite.

Remember: Serializability allows group of operations on multiple objects ordered in arbitrary interleaving.

Strict Serializability

Any execution is perceived in the same way by all the processes, as if groups of read and write operations were executed in real-time order and respecting the program order of each one of them.

In other words, Strict Serializability borrows the real-time ordering from Linearizability and applies it to groups of operations as indicated by the Serializability definition.

The first example from Serializabilty is not Strict Serializable example 2

As it does not respect real-time ordering, but just by making a little adjustment, it becomes Strict Serializable: example 2

As this respects the fact that P2 group of operations happened before P3.

Remember: Strict Serializability allows group of operations on multiple objects ordered in real-time.

Causal Consistency

Write operations that are potentially causally related are perceived in the same way by all the processes, as if they were executed in real-time order and respecting the program order of all the processes.

In other words, Causal Consistency is similar to Linearizability, but instead of requiring that all operations must be ordered in real-time, it is limited only to causally related operations.

Two operations are causally related if the execution of one could affect the result of the other one. Consider the following examples:

  • A read operation on x, followed by a write operation on y are potentially causally related as the write value of y might be derived by the value of x.

  • A write operation on x, followed by a read operation on x are potentially causally related as the read value of x is returning the previously written value.

  • Two simultaneous write operations on different or same variables are not causally related.

  • Two operations not causally related are called concurrent.

The following history is Causally Consistent: example 2

As P1:W(x)1 and P2:W(x)2 are considered concurrent and other processes can see their writes in different order.

Just by introducing a small variation, the following history is not Causally Consistency: example 2

Since P2:R(x)1 was generated by P1:W(x)1 and might affect the result of P2:W(x)2, therefore P1:W(x)1 and P2:W(x)2 are causally related and must be seen by all the processes in the same order.

Yet, another small variation makes this history Causally Consistent: example 2

According to a real-time ordering P1:W(x)1 occurred after P2:R(x)0 and cannot affect it. Therefore, P1:W(x)1 and P2:W(x)2 are not causally related.

Remember: Causal Consistency allows single operations on single objects, but only causally related operations must be ordered in real-time.


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