A consistency model is a contract offered by a data store to a client application. It defines the behavior when multiple clients or processes perform concurrent read and write operations on the data store, particularly when these operations are in conflict.

Consistency models are important for the following reasons:

  • It allows us to know what to expect from a data store and design correct programs.
  • It helps us to understand the increasing number and variety of data stores available today.

In the following descriptions and examples we’ll assume the following model and conventions:

  • Different processes P1Pn run simultaneously on different nodes N1Nn with local copies of individual data items x and y, which are replicated to other nodes in the network.
  • Time progresses from left to right
  • Variables x and y are initialized with 0
  • P1:W(x)1 : process P1 performs a write operation of value 1 on variable x
  • P2:R(x)2 : process P2 performs a read of value 2 from variable x.

Quiescent Consistency

Overlapping read and write operations can be seem in some sequential order (arbitrary interleaving), while the non overlapping operations are perceived in the same way by all the processes as if they occurred in real-time order.

This means that during a period of quiescence (no pending operations) operations seems to occur in real-time, and during periods of concurrent operations they seem to occur in an arbitrary order.

For example, the following history is Quiescent Consistent: example 1

Since P1:W(x)1 and P2:W(x)2 are non overlapping, they seem to take place in real-time, and both P3 and P4 read the same value 2 from variable x. Also, the set of overlapping operations P2:R(x)2, P3:W(x)3 and P4:R(x)3 allow a read of two different values from x.

On the other hand, the following history is not Quiescent Consistent: example 2

As it violates the property that during non overlapping operations like P1:W(x)1 and P2:W(x)2 should appear to occur in real-time order.

Remember: Quiescent Consistency allows arbitrary interleaving of overlapping single operations on single single objects, while non overlapping operations must appear to occur in real-time ordering.

Strict Consistency

Strict consistency guarantees that a given read operation always returns the most recent written value of a given data element.

The most recent aspect of the definition implies that we have to have a real-time ordering to be able to unambiguously identify which one was the most recent operation.

If we consider the following two processes P1 and P2 on different nodes N1 and N2 respectively. example 2

Where P1 writes the value of 1 to x and Process P2 immediately reading it from its local copy. Strict consistency requires that the write operation takes no latency to propagate from N1 to N2, regardless of how far the two nodes are, and how close in time the read operation is to the write operation. This makes this consistency model intuitively easy to understand, but virtually impossible to implement in distributed systems.

Remember: Writes are instantaneously visible to all processes and real-time ordering is maintained.

Sequential Consistency

Any execution is perceived in the same way by all the processes, as if all the read and write operations were executed in some sequential order (arbitrary interleaving), respecting the program order of each one of them.

For example, The following history is Sequentially Consistent: example 2

In this case, even when P1:W(x)1 was invoked first, it really took effect after P2:W(x)2 (arbitrary interleaving). Both processes P2 and P3 see the same sequence of values 2,1 from variable x.

On the other hand, the following is not a Sequentially Consistent history: example 2

Because process P2 is seeing the sequence 2,1 while P3 is seeing 1,2 from the same variable x. This violates the property that all processes see the same interleaving of the operations.

Similarly, the following is not a Sequentially Consistent history: example 2

As it does not respect the program order of the process P3, since the first read operation P3:R(y)1 should have had returned 0 instead of 1 because the operation P3:W(y)1 comes as the second operation.

Sequential Consistency applies to single objects (ex: only x or y but not both) and single operations (ex: read or write, but not grouping of multiple reads and/or writes).

Remember: Sequential Consistency allows arbitrary interleaving of single operations on single single objects.
